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We will sometimes serve localized results (for searches like "restaurants nearby") while still keeping you completely anonymous. Read more about how it works.

For some search results you can opt-in to anonymously and securely use your browser location, in accordance with our privacy policy. This will help further improve the accuracy and relevancy of search results.

If You Experience Problems Trying to Enable Your Location:

Desktop | Mobile:


  1. On your device, open the Settings app.
  2. Open 'Privacy', then 'Location Services'.
  3. Ensure 'Location Services' is enabled.
  4. Scroll down and locate your browser in the list.
  5. Ensure your browser is allowed location access.
  6. Reload DuckDuckGo, and try again.

If the browser location on iOS remains unavailable, then go to Settings > General > Reset > 'Reset Location & Privacy'. Reload DuckDuckGo, and try again.

Android (Chrome, Brave):

  1. Tap the lock icon on the address bar.
  2. Open 'Site Settings'.
  3. Ensure 'Location' is set to allow.
  4. Reload DuckDuckGo, and try again.

If the browser location in Chrome or Brave remains unavailable, then in your browser go to ⋮ Menu > Settings > Site settings > Location, and ensure DuckDuckGo is allowed location access. Reload DuckDuckGo, and try again.

Android (Other):

  1. On your device, open the Settings app.
  2. Open 'Location', and ensure location is enabled.
  3. Navigate to Settings > Apps.
  4. Ensure your browser is allowed location access.
  5. Reload DuckDuckGo, and try again.

You can disable your location again anytime. To do so, simply scroll down to the "Location" section on Settings and select "Clear", or manually clear your browser cookies for DuckDuckGo.

Prior versions on GitHub.